How to Cook Chicken Sprite Recipe | The best way to Cook Chicken
Hi everyone welcome back to wiky food ! Today we will cook Chicken Sprite.
For those who love drinking softdrinks, why not try putting it in your dish?
So today, we will add Sprite on our Chicken
Here are the ingredients
1- One whole chicken 500 ml Sprite
2 tbsp oyster sauce 1 tbsp soy sauce 1 medium onion, chopped
4 cloves garlic, chopped salt and pepper spring onion and cooking oil
The ingredients are so easy, so let's start cooking.
First step, we will fry the chicken We will fry the whole chicken.
Put the cooking oil
Once the oil is hot, we can put the chicken.
We will fry the chicken for about 3 minutes on each side.
Turn over and cook on the other side Cover it to make sure the chicken is well cooked.
Remove it from the pan then set aside Reduce the oil
Next, saute the onion add the garlic Then, pour the sprite You can drink it or pour it here Add the soy sauce and oyster sauce
give it a stir Put back the chicken and let it simmer for 30 minutes
until the chicken is tender Put the cover again We will come back after 30 minutes Let's check it now.
As you can see, it's boiling now
This is the best time to add the flavor Add the pepper
And salt Stir it again
Put back the cover and cook it for another 15 minutes
The sauce has reduced Our chicken is already cooked
We can now turn off the induction cooker Add the spring onion
Let's transfer it to a serving plate.
Add the remaining sauce
So this is the end . hope
you enjoy what we cook for today
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